Get involved
Architecture tour aims to promote local material and immaterial heritage. To do this we need your help and there are several ways you can support us: you can send us YOUR STORY about the city that we will integrate it into our tours or you can send us OLD PHOTOS with Timisoara, through wich inhabitants of the city will discover new things about it. If you have free time and you are passionate about the architecture, the history of Timisoara and its people, you can also become one of our VOLUNTEERS.
Old photos of Timisoara
In order to support our guides's speech, we use a series of maps containing architectural drawings, stamps, maps and old images of Timisoara. Our team is fascinated by the way the city used to look a few hundred years or decades ago, and we also believe that the tours participants will learn a lot of new information through them.
If you have the opportunity and you want to help us, send us old pictures of the city, just upload the photos you own. We will mention the source and copyrights, information you have provided us by completing the form below, we will use them for didactic purposes and, if you wish, you will become a part of our team of involved supporters and collaborators
Your story about the city
Architecture tours are expeditions that explore the local built heritage, have an ample level of information and contain three major common components: objective information that includes historical data, subjective information that explores the stories of the people who once lived in Timisoara, their values and habits, the memory of the places and civic empowerment that explores the aspects of contemporary interventions on the local built heritage and examples of good practice in the country or abroad, consequences and rights and obligations of Timisoara’s civil society in relation to the material and immaterial heritage.
This part of the project has emerged based on this structure, through which we aim to discover the stories comprised of the city seen as a sum of memories, personal and collective perceptions, defining and completing its image and its community, with the intention of integrating them in our tours. We make this appeal to the local community, people who live or once lived in Timisoara, even people passing through the city, who can share with us their interaction with it.
Volunteers are an integral part of the success of this project. There are many ways you can help us, it depends on what you like to do: you can be part of the research team, you will visit the archives and you will gather information about the buildings we are going to introduce into the existing tours or the new tours we are working on; if you are passionate about architecture and Timisoara’s architecture you can be our photographer and our guide’s so much needed help for smoothly running the tours.
There are multiple possibilities, just let us know you want to join our team and we will find you something to do. Go to the form below and fill it out, and we'll be sure to contact you!